
Fishery Improvement:

Our ongoing programme of landscaping the fishery and improving the facilities continues. A percentage of the anglers money is continually being re-invested in improving the lakes and the quality of the fish stocks.

New Toilet And Shower/Wet Room Building

We are very pleased to announce that the new toilets and shower/wetroom at Beaver Fishery are now open. 
After a long slog by all involved we are sure you will be as impressed as we are with the finished building. The new building holds a fully equipped disabled/ladies toilet, a seperate mens toilet and a fantastic shower/wetroom.
Have a look at the pictures, come down and have a fish and let us know what you think.




Attractive wooden all-weather chalet available for hire. We have a chalet on Jeffs Lake that can accomadate two anglers. Have a look at our page for more detail on the chalets.

On Arrival – Please enter education centre, tickets will be issued from there.


Beaver fishery educatonal tackle centre: